Housing & Energy

Cedar Grove Way Apartments

One bedroom rental housing in the City of Dunlap to help participants that are diagnosed with mental illness and/or recovering from addition or alcoholism and are homeless. Preference is given to participants of the Adult Community Corrections and Misdemeanor Probations programs. Available in Sequatchie County. Funded by Tennessee Housing Development Agency.

Crisis Intervention

The program assists low income individuals in an emergency situation by providing rent, utilities, mortgages and food. Residents in an emergency situation in Bledsoe, Grundy, Marion, Meigs, McMinn, Rhea, Polk, and Sequatchie counties may apply for services. Funded by the Tennessee Department of Human Services.

CSBG Application


Assists low income individuals and families with rent, utilities, mortgages, and food when in an emergency situation. Applicants must provide utility cut off notice and/or eviction notice. Applicants must reside in Bledsoe, Marion, Meigs, Polk and Sequatchie Counties. Funded by Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Homeless Assistance

The program provides services for individuals and families who are without a fixed residence. Clients are assisted with first month’s rent and with utility deposits if they do not have means to help themselves. Low income residents in Bledsoe, Grundy, Marion, Meigs, McMinn, Rhea, Polk, and Sequatchie counties may apply for services. Funded by the Tennessee Department of Human Services.

Housing Choice Voucher

Provides decent, safe, and affordable housing to low-income residents. The program is designed to provide vouchers allowing families to locate a unit of their choice that falls within Housing Quality Standards rather than in public housing project. The monthly subsidy amount is a portion of the rent, based on the family’s income and is paid directly to the landlord. Families that fall within the 50th percentile of the median area income are eligible. Preferences are given to elderly, disabled, and disaster victim households. Funded by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance

This program assists low income families/individuals, elderly, or handicapped persons with energy needs. Assistance may be provided in electric, natural gas, fuel oil, kerosene, wood and coal. Payment is made directly to energy or fuel supplier. Low income residents in Bledsoe, Grundy, Marion, Meigs, McMinn, Rhea, Polk, and Sequatchie counties may apply for services. Funded by the Tennessee Department of Human Services.

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Project Help

Assists customers of Sequatchie Valley Electric Co-op in Bledsoe, Grundy, Marion, and Sequatchie counties who have an appropriate disconnect/cutoff notice. Funded by and Sequatchie Valley Electric Co-op customers.

Project Hometown

Assists customers of Middle Tennessee Natural Gas in Bledsoe, Grundy, Meigs, and Rhea Counties who have an appropriate disconnect/cutoff notice. Funded by and Middle Tennessee Natural Gas customers.

Supportive Housing Program

Designed to stabilize housing, increase income and skills, and improve the self-determination of homeless persons and families through rental assistance and case management services. The program targets homeless individuals with a disabling condition including physical, mental or emotional impairment, a developmental disability, and a diagnosable substance abuse disorder. Homeless persons in Bledsoe, Bradley, Grundy, Marion, Meigs, McMinn, Rhea, Polk, Sequatchie, and Hamilton County are eligible to participate in the program. Funded by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.


The weatherization program provides a whole house approach that incorporates advanced technologies and addresses the comprehensive energy usage in low-income homes, as well as related health and safety improvements. In order to be eligible for this program, you must provide proof of income and be in need of home, and/or safety improvements to your dwelling and live in Bledsoe, Grundy, Hamilton, Marion, McMinn, Meigs, Polk, Rhea or Sequatchie County. Funded by Tennessee Department of Human Services.

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Emergency Repair Program

To correct, repair, or replace an essential system and/or critical structural problem for low-income homeowners who are elderly (60+) or disabled. This is not a comprehensive home renovation program. The goal of the program is to stabilize the homeowner's residence by making essential repairs to make the home more livable and to correct health and safety hazards.


USDA RD Section 504 Home Repair Loan Packaging

Assists with applying for federal funds to repair critical health and safety hazards in a home that is in an eligible rural area.  The funds can be used in conjunction with SETHRA's Emergency Repair Program.


USDA RD Section 502 Home Ownership Loan Packaging

Assists with applying for federal funding to either construct or buy a home in an eligible rural area.  The funding is in the form of a low interest mortgage of terms from 33 to 38 years. Qualifications include a minimum credit score of 640, stable and dependable income, and meet income eligibility guidelines. 

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